Clinton River Watershed

Lamphere Schools - Stormwater Program

Stormwater carries untreated water runoff directly into nearby creeks and rivers and,by doing so, impacts our environment.  Improper disposal of wastes, such as oil, paint, fertilizer, and pesticides will pollute the stormwater, destroy aquatic life, and affect our drinking water.

The City of Madison Heights, The Lamphere Schools and Madison District Public Schools are working together to promote stormwater awareness to our employees and students and are committed to practicing sound stormwater management practices to protect water quality.

We are required by state and federal stormwater rules and regulations to educate as well as perform best management practices at our facilities. These practices include (to name just a few): cleaning our catch basins, streets, and parking lots to remove sediment and debris, properly storing chemicals to prevent spills, utilizing earth-friendly fertilizers and pesticides on our turf, and ensuring that any development or redevelopment on our properties follows current state and federal guidelines for stormwater retention.

The Lamphere Schools is committed to the environment and to the observance and adherence to all local, state and federal stormwater rules and regulations.

Become a Master Rain Gardener
Master Rain GardenerJoin the Clinton River Watershed Council for a series of live online classes to learn all you need to know about building a rain garden, protecting your home and the environment.

Register for classes:

Clinton River Watershed - dispose of grease in trash
Fall Lawn Care for Watershed Protection

As we leave summer boating and swimming behind, what can we be doing this fall to keep our rivers healthy and clean? We can be smart about fertilizing and raking leaves! Fall chores have an impact on the storm water runoff coming from our yards. Here are simple steps you can do to help keep our rivers, streams, and lakes healthy ---

1. Do not dump your leaves into storm drains or ditches! Decomposing leaves add
excessive nutrients that cause algae growth and take the oxygen out of the water that goes directly to our rivers. This harms fish and other aquatic animals and destroys their habitat.
2. Fertilizer should only be applied in the fall for a healthy lawn in the spring.
3. When applying fertilizer, keep a minimum 10-foot buffer from ditches, storm drains, and streams. This prevents nitrogen and phosphorus from washing into our waterways.
4. Do not dump any materials down storm drain catch basins in streets or parking lots. All storm drains are connected to our rivers and streams. Remember, only rain in the drain!

Check out the programs and activities offered for families to support clean water in our area.

For more information, visit
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